In our second official Knowledge Sharing session, Dr. Pouya Rahmati presents his research on how IT investments reduce corporate fraud. How IT Investments Reduce Corporate Fraud: Role of Firm and Industry Complexities Presenter: Pouya Rahmati University of Georgia Assistant Professor Department of Management Information Systems ABSTRACT. Although corporate fraud has been an important concern for…
Author: Kambiz Saffari
AIS Council approved the formation of the Iranian Scholars Chapter of AIS
In line with the guidelines of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), a group of 10 Iranian members of the AIS was assembled to form the Iranian Scholars Chapter of the AIS (IRAIS). These members served as officers and founders of the IRAIS and prepared the required documents such as the chapter’s bylaws to form…
Knowledge Sharing – Mining Online Social Networks: Deriving User Preferences through Node Embedding
In our first official Knowledge Sharing session, Dr. Mahyar Sharif Vaghefi presents his research on mining online social networks. ABSTRACT. In the last decade, online social networks have become an integral part of life. These networks play an important role in the dissemination of news, individual communication, disclosure of information, and business operations. Understanding the structure…